Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
36 weeks
I am 36 weeks and T-I-R-E-D. I got a 3d ultrasound yesterday. In Lexus's her eyes were open, this time we weren't so lucky. But she has some cute cheeks! I'm just hoping June passes quickly.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Anti Social
Ok prego friends, am I the only one who becomes anti social during pregnancy? Its so weird, I just am SO not myself. I remember when I became myself again after Lexus, and for that I can't wait. I wonder if its just preparation because I probably won't be leaving the house much after I have numero dos? Sorry too much Dora over here. One good thing is I have been able to keep up on more house work I guess. I wonder too if maybe I just unintentionaly lay low to store up my energy for when I do hair? Im really perplexed about this. Its not nesting either, that hasn't really hit yet. Oh well, at least I LOVE my house. I seriously love every square inch of this little house, because it's mine, and it's a ton of work, but it's mine. Yeah, Im gonna guess im being a homebody in preparation for having 2. I know i'll be back to my old self in a few months. So sorry to all my friends who I don't see as much, its hormonal I guess? Oh speaking of, wow, the bigger I get the worse I get ha ha ha. Im not crazy or anything but I can't handle as much as I usually can. I would feel bad for Chaz, but he still fits in HIS clothes! Lexus just took a 3 hour nap, hallelujah! AND I am so excited for the Victoria Secret semi-annual sale, like abnormally excited! I shopped early online last night, but I like to see what they have in stores you know?
Monday, May 21, 2012
The Calm Before The Storm
So this past weekend was amazeballs! Thursday Chaz took off because we had a 3d ultrasound, that didn't go well. Blah. We went to the mall and Chaz got suckered into buying Lexus some luggage she would not let go of ha ha. Then we cleaned the house and packed... Friday was pure bliss! My mom and sisters took Lexus and all the little cousins to Bass Pro. Which she is obsessed with! So Chaz and I had the entire day together! This hasn't happened in almost 2 years. I never really thought it was necessary, but it felt just like we were dating again. We went and laid out at our old apartment for 2.5 hours. Being there took me back to 2008-2009, moving in with Britney, meeting Chaz, planning a wedding, getting married, deciding to NOT take my birth control because Chaz wanted a baby by 30 (he's about to have 2 at 30). It was fun. We then went home, showered and got ready. Went to AZ Mills, Chaz met some Cardinals players who were hilarious and loved his name! Later on he wanted to go back to get a present for Houston but they were gone :(. We also saw the movie What To Expect When Expecting. Then picked up our little love bug who had the time of her life at my parent's house all day. Checked into the AZ Grand Resort (I won a free stay at Alex's baby shower from Kelsie's sister :))! Saturday we woke up and went to the waterpark! Lexus was in heaven, but it was so tiring chasing her we only lasted 2 hours. But she loved it. She chased the birds and screamed "water!" a thousand times. That girl is hilarious.
Sunday we went to my awesome cousin Cameron's homecoming talk, so good! Glad he's back. Then we grilled the best lunch ever in our backyard, and finished the day looking at the blinding eclipse and looking at mansion houses in Gilbert. Perfection. With the baby and school just weeks away I think this was exactly what we needed to remind us that no matter how stressful things are we're doing the right things. It will all work out just like it always was meant to.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Catch up
Im too lazy to mess with pictures, honestly my Facebook has most of the highlights, and my instagram i blow up like everyday. Sorry. Ill probably regret it one day, but not today. As of recently my feet have decided to swell, its quite unfortunate. Oh and I feel like its hard to breathe most of the time. The uncomfortable stage officially started around 31 or 32 weeks this time around. Ill be 33 weeks tomorrow. I am scared of having more babies, this second pregnancy hasn't been quite the walk in the park the first one was. One thing I need to never EVER forget is how fortunate I was to have gotten my weight down prior to getting pregnant!! With Lexus I had 20 more pounds on me than when I started this one. And this one I have had alot more pressure and unpleasantness. Whats it gonna be like for my future babies?! Oh well, women do it. Gotta love them pioneers who had like 15 kids. I think its more exhausting this time around because i have an almost 2 year old? But working full time last time wasn't a breeze either. Fine Ill face it, im getting older, my body is feeling it. My mother in law always says that your spirit just doesn't age, I have to think how weird that'll be. I feel older though. I thought about that last night. I use to think I had the whole world at my fingertips, the possibilities were endless and noone could stop me. Now, I think maybe because my life is on its course and its a good one. Speaking of, Chaz graduated last Saturday and we had a party for him, im so proud of him! Both our families pitched in and we got him a new laptop for law school! It's so nice having so much family around who support each other. I honestly love all of our syblings and parents. We went to Dean's Day at his law school this past Saturday. Its a nice campus, Im excited for him. Its going to be a very trying 4 years though. I got a feel for his schedule and I REALLY realized I will be on my own raising these 2 girls the majority of the time. He'll be working 40 hours a week plus school til 10 at night mon-thurs, plus 27 hours of studying on top of it. I totally have the funner job, but its gonna be rough. Welp thats about it for now.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Lovin Life
I am loving my little life right now. First of all, the weather! Can you say gorgeous? I am such a summer girl, I live for laying out so right now just siting in my chicken infested backyard watching my little girl talk to the "bach-bachs" and "pet" the tortoise is just the best thing to me. I love that im not sick anymore, and I know that its another baby GIRL in me. Oh and I REALLY love feeling her move! Literally the best part of being pregnant. Litle Lexus is going to love her baby sister so much.... maybe too much.... Wanna know something else great, we got our taxes back, AND they brought overtime back at the bank, so were feeling good again (rough few months there, let me tell ya). I love all the plans were making for the house in the near and distant future, honestly I feel so blessed right about now. I swear, I blame it all on the weather, its just plain glorious outside right now im gonna go soak it up!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Little of this little of that
So im sick. REALLY sick. I keep gagging and throwing up, its really annoying. You know how when you have a toothache how it can literally make you suicidal? Im gettin close with this headache i've had since last night! I once had a headache this bad that lasted 4 days! The kind when you bend over your head feels like its gonna pop off and roll on he ground. I was diagnosed with tension headaches as a result of my multiple whiplash injuries. Sorry to complain, but needless to say its not fun so stay away.
On the great news side I went to the doctor today to see my little peanut! It was the cutest little thing, it was kicking and spinning, and trying to lift its little head! Im only 13 weeks but it looked so human. Im really excited his time around. I was scared with Lexus, now im excited for this one. I would like to get that babycenter thing up top on my blog but Miranda did it for me last time, so.... call me D? Im clueless with this stuff still.
On the great news side I went to the doctor today to see my little peanut! It was the cutest little thing, it was kicking and spinning, and trying to lift its little head! Im only 13 weeks but it looked so human. Im really excited his time around. I was scared with Lexus, now im excited for this one. I would like to get that babycenter thing up top on my blog but Miranda did it for me last time, so.... call me D? Im clueless with this stuff still.
Monday, December 12, 2011
On New Year's Eve last year I predicted that 2011 would be a bad year for us. Im weird like that, I think odd years are bad luck for me personally, and evens are good! I am happy to say that 2011 proved me wrong. While financially it has been less than magical,
(they cut overtime from his department shortly before i became sick and pregnant resulting in me cutting out alot of evening hair appointments. Plus you add in a few car repairs, a huge plumbing fee, and some hospital bills...),
However we have been very blessed! Lexus is happy, healthy, and full of atititude :) and now she's going to be a big sister In july! We are very excited! Chaz shocked and amazed us both by getting accepted to PHOENIX SCHOOL OF LAW! We never thought it would happen. It was his top choice school! He gets to do it part time (might sound crazy) but he gets to keep his bank job full time and all our benefits! Which then means we get to stay in our house and raise our kids near all our family! School will take him 4 years instead of the usual 2 1/2-3 years. But its well worth it to us. We seriously were certain we'd be moving out of state. I am so proud of him! My only fear is that working and school will be too much to handle. But He constantly surprises me with how much he can handle :). Now if only I could find my lost paycheck so we could finish up Christmas shopping!
(they cut overtime from his department shortly before i became sick and pregnant resulting in me cutting out alot of evening hair appointments. Plus you add in a few car repairs, a huge plumbing fee, and some hospital bills...),
However we have been very blessed! Lexus is happy, healthy, and full of atititude :) and now she's going to be a big sister In july! We are very excited! Chaz shocked and amazed us both by getting accepted to PHOENIX SCHOOL OF LAW! We never thought it would happen. It was his top choice school! He gets to do it part time (might sound crazy) but he gets to keep his bank job full time and all our benefits! Which then means we get to stay in our house and raise our kids near all our family! School will take him 4 years instead of the usual 2 1/2-3 years. But its well worth it to us. We seriously were certain we'd be moving out of state. I am so proud of him! My only fear is that working and school will be too much to handle. But He constantly surprises me with how much he can handle :). Now if only I could find my lost paycheck so we could finish up Christmas shopping!
Monday, October 24, 2011
I Love...
Things that I "love" are:
When the garbage schedule changes and you hear the truck coming, drop everything to run outside and see he has just passed your house.
When Lexus doesn't take a nap until 3 p.m.
When its 100 degrees the week before halloween...
When Lexus refuses to go to bed til midnight, and is up at 6...
Paying late fees on credit cards bc it just simply slipped my mind...
OOH buying shoes on sale at Dillard's, only for them to discount it 40% more 3 days later...
Getting all ready to TRY and make it to the temple for somebody going through for the FIRST time ever and Chaz being 4 minutes too late...(work ends at 5, it was a tight time frame). I mean we are dressed standing there at 5:34! I know its important to start on time, it was still a bummer.
Things that I ACTUALLY love:
Actually crafting! Making something yourself! I got these antique cpboards,(since I was 10 I have always frequented the downtown antique stores, weird?) and I painted them, and chalkboard painted the middle and got cute handles..

I am proud of myself!
I also love my little Lexus Lee of course
My relationship with my husband, some weeks we dont get to see eachother hardly because Ill have clients most nights so he gets home takes care of baby, and does homework then we go to bed. And I recently started working Saturdays so thats a sacrafice we made from family time, but times are tough for everyone im just greatful to have such opprtunities to help relieve the financial pressure. But last night I felt kinda disconnected from him so I asked if he would go for a drive with me and he said yes! It was nice, we talked and found a new antique store ill have to go to sometime. (its actually old and in A.J. but ill check it out).
Of course my loyal clients! Oh how I love them all! The ones who prebook in advance, and the ones who trust that I know what the heck Im doing, and the ones who deal with my less than accomadating schedule... I LOVE ALL OF THEM! Oh how happy I am to have met the clients I have, I learn so much about people.
Im obsessed with our chicken's eggs. They are so delicious! They dont peel very well when you hard boil them, which makes me wonder why store bought do... ew, it makes me want a cow to get organic milk but im not cut out to be a farmer just yet.
Family! I actually ran into my cousin today at Blockbuster. I forget how surrounded I am by family, so blessed :)
Fall time. Alot because of the change weather, but also because I HATE, LOATHE, DESPISE, get depressed by August (Wayne...) and September just blows bc utilities are so dang high and the UV rays aren't as good to tan lol. Also I love our annual Pumpkin carving tradition with Chaz's syblings! We've done it the past 3 years in a row.



I'm kinda excited for Halloween weekend! Yay!
When the garbage schedule changes and you hear the truck coming, drop everything to run outside and see he has just passed your house.
When Lexus doesn't take a nap until 3 p.m.
When its 100 degrees the week before halloween...
When Lexus refuses to go to bed til midnight, and is up at 6...
Paying late fees on credit cards bc it just simply slipped my mind...
OOH buying shoes on sale at Dillard's, only for them to discount it 40% more 3 days later...
Getting all ready to TRY and make it to the temple for somebody going through for the FIRST time ever and Chaz being 4 minutes too late...(work ends at 5, it was a tight time frame). I mean we are dressed standing there at 5:34! I know its important to start on time, it was still a bummer.
Things that I ACTUALLY love:
Actually crafting! Making something yourself! I got these antique cpboards,(since I was 10 I have always frequented the downtown antique stores, weird?) and I painted them, and chalkboard painted the middle and got cute handles..
I am proud of myself!
I also love my little Lexus Lee of course
My relationship with my husband, some weeks we dont get to see eachother hardly because Ill have clients most nights so he gets home takes care of baby, and does homework then we go to bed. And I recently started working Saturdays so thats a sacrafice we made from family time, but times are tough for everyone im just greatful to have such opprtunities to help relieve the financial pressure. But last night I felt kinda disconnected from him so I asked if he would go for a drive with me and he said yes! It was nice, we talked and found a new antique store ill have to go to sometime. (its actually old and in A.J. but ill check it out).
Of course my loyal clients! Oh how I love them all! The ones who prebook in advance, and the ones who trust that I know what the heck Im doing, and the ones who deal with my less than accomadating schedule... I LOVE ALL OF THEM! Oh how happy I am to have met the clients I have, I learn so much about people.
Im obsessed with our chicken's eggs. They are so delicious! They dont peel very well when you hard boil them, which makes me wonder why store bought do... ew, it makes me want a cow to get organic milk but im not cut out to be a farmer just yet.
Family! I actually ran into my cousin today at Blockbuster. I forget how surrounded I am by family, so blessed :)
Fall time. Alot because of the change weather, but also because I HATE, LOATHE, DESPISE, get depressed by August (Wayne...) and September just blows bc utilities are so dang high and the UV rays aren't as good to tan lol. Also I love our annual Pumpkin carving tradition with Chaz's syblings! We've done it the past 3 years in a row.


I'm kinda excited for Halloween weekend! Yay!
Monday, October 17, 2011
So True
I saw this on Facebook:

A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:
'Doctor, I have a serious p...roblem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'
So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?'
She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.'
She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.
Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'
The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!'
'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'
The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.
He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!
If you agree, please SHARE.
Together we can help save precious lives!
Love says, 'I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person.' Abortion says, 'I sacrifice the other person for the good of myself.'

A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:
'Doctor, I have a serious p...roblem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'
So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?'
She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.'
She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.
Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'
The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!'
'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'
The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.
He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!
If you agree, please SHARE.
Together we can help save precious lives!
Love says, 'I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person.' Abortion says, 'I sacrifice the other person for the good of myself.'
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